Chapter 25 how long a tunnel can be!

Just back from my monthly appointment with my haematologist and I am clearly getting better :-).

So I am really tired but that will get better too… It is all a question of having my body ready to live without corticoids and it is not that easy to get this back. The important thing now is to decrease the diabetes risk as much as possible to avoid falling in that trap!!!

It also look like that my GVH is now under control and trackers are being monitored.

I also asked the question… Apparently now my long term survival rate would be around 90% wow that was a really great news allowing planning, etc… So happy! Another two bleedings to go and then my visits will move from monthly to quarterly…

3 replies »

  1. Serge, I just found your blog and am happy to see your reflections on your journey with AML. We’re on the same path. Light and love to you.

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