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Chapter 48 Another great month…


What happened in October 2015 in my life?

I could of course spend hours reflecting on this but at the end of the day it all comes back to check whether my health is impeding me to have a normal life or at least what I now consider as being normal!

I had the luxury to visit a few countries this month:

And meet great folks I enjoyed being with… Of course, will never forget the w-e with my wife in Norway as gift for my 50th birthday! You can find the pictures on my Facebook and my hotels/restaurants reviews in TripAdvisor! As one of my friend told me… I do broadcast my life on these media…

I mention this as it shows that the photopheresis offers this quality of life even if it takes time and it is invasive! Nevertheless, it is worth the investment as it also allow me to perform at work without the medics’ painful side-effects! I feel like I now have a steady life even if I cannot walk kilometres anymore but I find ways to compensate this and still visit all I want to see and enjoy time with family and friends!

Doctors will assess my treatment tomorrow November 3rd and let me know whether I keep the same pace but I think I already know the answer… Let’s keep the same pace for the next three months! My own forecast tells me that I am stuck with this till mid-2016… but who knows it may go faster than I think! I also heard that I may now go back to Malaysia but not India yet… we will see whether such opportunity will come for a project or so…

So here we go! Results from my monthly assessment… We keep going on the same paste the photopheresis for the next 3 months as the impact is positive and we still have a journey before moving in a stability mode, it looks like my forecast is realistic. I will then leave you on this positive note!

Thanks again for reading this!

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