The Netherlands The Hague De Resident

Got invited by a colleague to go and try the place. That was my first time and even if I live in The Hague now and knows that street well, I never went there.

You can see below that the dishes are simple with no specific creativity in the presentation nor in the menu BUT


the meat quality is outstanding! We all agreed on that…

The restaurant itself is nice with two different entrances and the kitchen is in the middle and you can freely see it when going from one side to the other.

I can also highlight the service which is appropriate for a brasserie including the sense of humour and promptitude to react… Really enjoyed the evening in that sense.

Now… as much as the meat quality was there… the béarnaise sauce was a real disaster, no taste, just cream and that basically killed the good meat experience, fortunately they did not serve too much of it!

You can also see the desserts here and seriously… is it really a Dame Blanche? Tiramisu is so small… This was another disappointment! I know the place is popular but for me, overrated unless you do like some friends are doing: Ribs, salad & chips, pay and go! Then it is all fine…

I know I am tough here but seriously… I did not feel getting enough for my money and as you may have already read in my blog there is much better in a 500m radius!

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