France Paris Lazare

Checking with France Paris Hilton Opera the concierge proposed us to go to this brasserie as it is really close by, read next door. Our friends wanted to go for local food… whatever local may mean in such a cosmopolitan city may mean.

Anyway, we accepted the offer and as you will see we were not disappointed.

So you can see the variety of food and honestly it was tasty and for around 60 euros/person so still reasonable knowing where you are…

The service was nice and professional, we all enjoyed our evening there and looking at the folks in the shopping center was even more fun as we could see a drunk guy moving from wall to wall and a young couple fighting in front of us all.

As the concierge did, I recommend the place if you happen to be in the area but if yous ask me whether it is worth a detour or going to Paris to eat there… no would be my answer!

Categories: Food&Fun

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